Friday, June 02, 2006

My First Law Job

This was my first week of work.

It took all the resolve I had not to shove a pen in my eye.

I thought it would be a good experience to sign up as a student attorney for indigent people with this program run by my school. Our would-be-clients are supposed to call our hotline (collect calls, of course) to request our help. But for some reason no one has been calling.

Maybe it's because the institutions haven't figured out that we're back in business yet (the program shut down for a month while students had final exams). But for whatever reason, the phone is basically dead. And so is the workplace.

Not a day has gone by since I began, that I didn't literally fall asleep on the job. It's just too darn boring. I've become so brazen that I actually sleep right in front of my boss now (instead of sneaking off to a side room).

And the irony of it all is that when I get home everyday, I'm exhausted. I'm completely tuckered out from a full day of...well, just sitting!

Now, I suppose if I were an ideal employee I would take this time to read up on their thousand-page manuals to prepare myself for when the calls come in like a flood (which everyone has assured me they will inevitably do). But I just can't bring myself to do it.

I guess I just don't care that much about helping poor people with their petty legal issues after all...or maybe it's because I care too much. Our poor clients have nowhere else to turn. We are their last and only hope! The overwhelming burden of all that compassion just makes me so...lethargic...*yawn*.

No, but seriously, I took this job because I care so much more about helping the oppressed than helping big fat corporations, which I must inevitably do when I graduate in order to pay off my ginormous loans and get decent real-life legal training.

But if this is how unenthusiastic I am about helping a cause I care about, I can only imagine the depths of doldrums that await.

O gosh, someone just shoot me now.


Blogger Morris said...

If I knew the number I would call you at work (and breathe heavily and hang up) ;)

Congrats on landing the job!

8:20 AM  

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