Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Corridor of Fear

This is the corridor of fear.

It is a path that runs in front of the law school library (the building with the columns in the picture) and it leads me to the rest of the law school campus. I walk down this path everyday and my stomach does a little flip everytime (ok, maybe flip is too tame, it's more like a congo-line dance).

I know it is only my nearsightedness that makes me anxious when I walk down this path that leads me to class, but it's real adrenaline, all the same. Everyday I feel stresed out and unprepared. I can't ever quite finish my reading assignments and don't really understand or remember the principles taught the day before.

And so I drag myself to class with an act of sheer will, knowing that I will be called on by professors and humiliated in front of peers. Nary a day goes by that I am not humbled. My classmates all seem to be quicker and saavier than yours truly to the point where I am starting to feel like "Watson" to 79 "Sherlock Holmses".

But I call it the corridor of fear for yet another reason entirely.

If you look carefully at the picture, you will see that it is lined with oak trees. There are at least 8 giant, beautiful oak trees that are a source of great terror to me whenever I have to walk under them.

Coming from a land of evergreens, I didn't know that oak trees were a thing to be feared until one day I saw a girl walking in front of me suddenly grab her head and say, "What the f*ck?! That hurt!" Her friend laughed and said, "You got hit by an acorn!"

I've never seen a real-life acorn until I moved out East, but they are really quite big! About the size of a big gumball. Imagine the pain one of these things could cause falling on your head from fifteen feet high! Walking along the corridor lined with oaks feels like playing Russian roulette with your skull.

But now that Fall is almost over and most of the acorns and leaves have already dropped, I think I'm safe until next year.

Wish I could say the same about classes.


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